(Details the linkage between Nazism, neo-Nazism and hardcore Leftism)

MAH the crazy Zionist states:
It's a Leftist obsession to paint Israel to be a "Nazi"-state, even when those who defend Palestinian terrorists are the closest thing to a neo-Nazi than they are letting on.
Funnily enough, even though we here at New Zeel condemn all terrorism even terrorism committed in the past by Palestinian organisations against Israel, the fact that we listed Israel as a terrorist state drove this deranged Zionist over the edge (see comments).
Only lefties use all caps.
"Funnily enough, even though we here at New Zeel condemn all terrorism..."
No you called Israel a terrorist state, that makes you a supporter of Palestinian/Hizbollah terror. You commies can't have it both ways. You either support Israel or you support terror.
Ultra right free market dictator Augusto Pinoshet would fall into the left category because he was totalitarian.
With your pathetic attitude toward not condemning Palestinian terrorism aggression, it's quite obvious how close you people really are.
What complete mindless dumbasses.
"Funnily enough, even though we here at New Zeel condemn all terrorism even terrorism committed in the past by Palestinian organisations against Israel, the fact that we listed Israel as a terrorist state drove this deranged Zionist over the edge (see comments)."
What G-d damn liars people like you really are. Are you people happy that Imad Mugniyah can do no arm? Or are you going to likely go about and condemn the sort of tactics of how Israel likely did Mugniyah in? You people are pathetic.
I wonder how idiots like you can explain to me how George Lincoln Rockwell could be called "right-wing" when he associated himself with the Nation of Islam where Louis Farrakhan the current leader has made trips to Communist Cuba?
Yeah, that's right-wing. Not!
I would also like for you people to explain to me how nationalized healthcare, education and control over all other sort of industries can be right-wing.
If you can't tell me, you people are just lying and dont' really give a shit about the REAL truth behind Fascism and Nazism. That they're not brands of Rightist ideologies, but rather just a more racist brand of hardcore Leftism.
Tell me, do you think that Benito Mussolini promoting the minimum wage counts as "right-wing"? How about Mussolini trying to line up labour unions with the state? Or his overt support for a "Progressive Tax"/Income tax? Those are right-wing policies?
How about you take your revisionist ideas somewhere where they give two shakes of a donkeys ass.
"I would also like for you people to explain to me how nationalized healthcare, education and control over all other sort of industries can be right-wing."
Your argument is too simplistic to even begin critiquing. For starters which end of the spectrum do you see anarchism sitting in.
"What G-d damn liars people like you really are. Are you people happy that Imad Mugniyah can do no arm? Or are you going to likely go about and condemn the sort of tactics of how Israel likely did Mugniyah in? You people are pathetic."
I personally would prefer he was brought to justice for his actions. Assassination only leads to more grief further down the road.
Mah I think the time settings on your computer or something is off.
"I personally would prefer he was brought to justice for his actions."
Thats just typical of the namby pamby left. Us right wingers are the only ones willing to make the hard calls. He committed terror against the US so he deserved to be assassinated by a GBU-15 from an anonymous air force jet...
Crazy Mah says: "So I hear some Lefties are whining on how neo-Nazi groups are "not" left-wing. Well, they sound sure like a bunch of whining little brats. Perhaps if they cooled down with their anti-Israel rhetoric, I might think otherwise when they support the death of a notable terrorist quite recently."
This sounds like some sort of sick childish vendetta, or even a veiled threat of some sort ie Tone down the truth about Israel's state terrorism dialog or be slandered as neo-nazi holocaust supporter.
I think deep down this sort of person probably supports a holocaust/scourging of Palestinian civilians living in and around the state of Israel.
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