Here is a bit of news or comment that NewZeal hasn't made mention of, or perhaps, stayed away from, why, well we shall ask that question later, but first, the news spin.

In a strange but not surprising news today, media report that police pay ransom for return of stolen
national treasures. Along with the ransom demands, that of having a remand inmate released on bail, they paid out an undisclosed sum not totaling more than $300,000 dollars of reward money directly to the thieves for the return of the goods, not to someone who offered information that lead to the return of the medals, but to the thieves themselves. That is not to mention the cost of the operation to date being somewhere close to twice that amount in tax payers money.
Full Report from
NZ HeraldNow why hasn't NewZeal picked up on this story? I think there is a bit of head burying going on over there, not willing to make the call when it involved something as volatile a subject as war medals and police paying ransom demands, cutting deals with criminals probably resulting in funding the further manufacture of the drug P.
Willing to compromise with terror maybe? We shall see...
Loudon is too busy trying to cut off state funding to anarchists and communists to notice the state funding of this countries second most notorious gang.
Excellent, that really is a Loudon level of bullshit spin you put on that article. Top marks.
er maybe, i think a little less sincerity and a little more innuendo might do it.
not to someone who offered information that lead to the return of the medals, but to the thieves themselves.
Oh my golly gosh!!! What sort of precedence does this set??? This will lead to future crimes of this nature, and more terror demands for payment!!!
"Excellent, that really is a Loudon level of bullshit spin you put on that article. Top marks."
Yup classic Loudoonery!
Is that like Muldoonery?
No more like buffoonery but with more yeast.
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