Sunday, February 3, 2008

Freud exposed as perpetrator of September 11 terror attack

Our quasi network marketing group called the Church of Scientology recently exposed links between Sigmund Freud and September 11...or was it 12.

In an exhibition called "Industry of Death" held in New Zealands capital city, Washington D.C, the CoS exposed links between Freud, and the entire psychiatric profession who for years have been planning to take over the world.

Psychiatrists have been found directly responsible for 10,000 deaths per year in the US alone, and most of all, have been conspiring to create suicide bombers and terrorists leading to the September 11 terror attacks.

From the Columbia Tribune


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! all this time my psychiatrist has been telling me I have penis envy when she is really grooming me for terror!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it began as penis envy for me too, and after 5 sessions on the couch I was compelled to sign up with El Kaida.