I received this email today as pre-advertising primer for the planned John Key and National Party's Fresh Start Programme.
I am Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, the Fresh Start Programme senior drill instructor. Send me your societies little maggots to be squared away. If they leave my island, if they survive Fresh Start Programme, they will be a weapon. They will be a minister of death praying for war! I will teach them that they are the lowest form of life on Earth, not even human fucking beings. They will learn that they are nothing but unorganised grabastic pieces of amphibian shit. Because I am hard they will not like me. But the more they hate me the more they will learn. I am hard but I am fair. There is no political bigotry here. I do not look down on communists, anarchists, socialists or greenies. Here they are all equally worthless. And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved course.To those filthy maggots that try to quit my beloved course, I'm gonna rip their balls off so they cannot contaminate the rest of the world! I will motivate them, if it short-dicks every cannibal on the Congo!
Yeah thats exactly the type of reprogramming this society's youth needs...not!
Jesus Trevour thats the last thing the youth need...and the police. Those little taggers are hard enough to catch now without 'squaring them away.
Here's a tip for the blog owner-get a life you cyber-bully. That's what you really are. Can't stand anyone who has a different opinion than yours, so you make a lousy stupid spoof blog in the effort to purposely smear that person's name.
Thats a paddlin'
Firstly I would like to say that the blog owner is the lowest lifeform on the planat. ALl Trevor Loudon tries to do is bring truth to the world. Trevor is all good and you are all bad. All Trevor does is expose facts and all you do is expose inuendoe and lies. Why dont you grow some balls and tell us who you are!
I got no strings to hold be down
To make me fret or make me frown
I had strings, but now I'm free
I got no strings on me
Personally I've decided to relegate Trevor Loudon's blog to the dark depths of my search history. I didn't think it possible, but this sites factual accuracy seems to far outway it predecessor. Cheers "Blog Owner"
"Anonymous said...Here's a tip for the blog owner-get a life you cyber-bully......"
Here's a tip for that poster, get a spell checker you word assassin.
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