'Augusto' was famous for two things, implimenting Libertarian economic reform ideology at the end of a gun, and the suppression of leftist groups. When we say 'suppression', we mean the 2279 leftist activists whose bodies were never found. To add to that were the findings of the Valech Report that 30,000 political dissidents had been tortured by the worlds first Libertarian Government.
Too add to that winning start, two of Loudons heroes, McCain and Friedman both pandered to Pinochet, paying him visits during his reign of terror adding support to the notion that Libertarianism will lead to another round of fascism.
So these next comments by Loudon come as little surprise concerning the revelations that the Special Intelligence Group are monitoring leftist activists.
Loudon States:
I thoroughly approve of the police action here.
Words that will come back to haunt Loudon as he revells in the latest revelation of police authoritarianism?
We shall wait and see.
Trevor is good and you are all bad people for attacking Trevor with these adhorrible attackes.
All leftists are communists therefore terrorists and need to be thrown into guantamino bay.
I feel a lot of fear for the state of our country of Nu Zealand. What with our new president being a communist in all, I know the day is coming when we will see the paratroopers land outside our schools, come to take our children to be brainwashed into leftest hippy dope smoking free love. GOD SAVE US ALL!!!
The authors of this interweb site thing need to be charged with terrorism and locked away for a long time for that banner at the top of this interweb page.
I can smell a commie at 100 metres. There are commies here running this here web thing, I know it!!!
All these trevors, what the fuck is going on!!!!
I have found a link to the website for the Loudon Institute for Advanced Anti-Communist Research. Click here to see it.
National is in power now losers. Your precious Labour tried to take away our child beating sticks and now they are toast!
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