According to the New Zeal Blog, on Friday October 23 Trevor Loudon will be speaking at a conference in Washington DC as a guest speaker along with a list of other ultra right conservatives. Included in the list is this character...Andrew C McCarthy...
Now, we are not professed experts in genealogy, but could there be a link between this McCarthy (or McCccarthy as Trevor misspells it) and the all round nut job - red under the bed - Joseph McCarthy from whence the term McCarthyism is derived?
Well lets take a look at Andrew McCarthy's beliefs:
- on Waterboarding? Andrew McCarthy gives it the big tick of approval
- on Obama? McCarthy accuses him of recklessness for revealing torture tactics (i.e. to Al Qaeda) used by the CIA
- and finally, on Communism? Mr. McCarthy wrote "I believe that the issue of Obama's personal radicalism, including his collaboration with radical, America-hating Leftists, should have been disqualifying."
Wow apart from the fact that he sounds almost as crazy as the police state loving Trevor Loudon does, it is hard to believe that he is not in some way related to Trevor Loudon's other mentor (this one being his primary mentor), Joseph McCarthy.
Mr Loudoon your investigative skill are right up there with that of Mr Loudons.
It looks like my prayers are finally being answered. Doubtless Trevor's next stop will be my hometown, Chicago. Chicagoans, many of us depressed from losing the 2016 Olympic bid, can now have something to cheer. With elections in February, Trevor can release the city from the deadly political grip of the DSA. Hurry Trevor, hurry. Eat your hearts out NZ.
'Chicagoans' allowed Obama to front their quest for the Olympics, that pretty much makes you all communists in Trevor Loudon's books.
Chicago???? Pffft small fry, Ill do you one better. Trevor Loudon sees the entire Norwegan Government and most of Norway as being communists because they gave Obama the Nobel Peace Prize.
Loudon can you be a bigger bigot if you tried!!! They weren't communists when they awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Theodore Roosevelt, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin, and Henry Kissinger though, only when Obama was awarded it.
What wee need is a blog post that allows people to post their experiences of how they have been persecuted by Obama terror.
The Wahington meeting now archived on internet, C-SPAN, all the angloamerican craziest??
G. (hello from Finland)
rtmp links needed for downloading with for example Orbitdownloader
Ol Helmet Head Loudon is languishing in the land of his heart, the USA. I think he needs to change the name of his blog.
He's not allowed to. He's not the proprietor anymore.
Poo Peal was taken over (bought and paid for) by wierdo right-wing forces in the US to add a new edge to your hackneyed old Obamaphobia.
Something along these lines ...... "Wow, even down under in little ole Noo Zilland they know what a monster Obama is !"
They even indulge the Seedy Buffoon Loudon with the odd "scoop" over his idiot name....all for their own purposes of course.
They couldn't actually give a flying fuck about the former bunmaker from Oxford.
FoxNews is the voice of the people.
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